Streamlining Shared Services
Download our HR Service Center Case Study
As a means to provide a more efficient method to deliver human resource functions to its customer, the Department of State (DoS) chose to consolidate Human Resources (HR) efforts by opening a Service Center in Charleston, S.C. that could provide operational and simple transactional services. Their goal was to streamline services and enhance quality and customer service while providing a cost-efficient solution. While preparing for the HR Shared Services Service Center (HRSS/SC) to open in Charleston, DoS leadership realized that since it was not mandatory for bureaus to transfer their HR functions to Charleston, they needed to demonstrate the Service Center’s ability to meet classification, recruiting, and staffing needs in a faster, more accurate fashion than the bureaus could do for themselves.
The MIL Corporation (MIL) led the implementation of an ISO:9001 2008 Quality Management System (QMS) for HRSS/SC. MIL drew on its extensive ISO-QMS experience to spearhead the project from initial assessment through program development, implementation, and final certification. MIL was responsible for not only ensuring the QMS was implemented to meet the ISO standards but also created a system that the HR office could function within without creating additional unnecessary and burdensome work. Once created, MIL conducted training for the HRSS/SC staff on what the Quality Management System is, how it integrates seamlessly into their work, and highlighted the benefits with proper utilization.
The HRSS Service Center in Charleston received a certificate of certification for compliance to the 9001:2008 ISO Standard. The program, implemented by MIL, was found by a third-party auditor to be compliant with the standard and was visibly integrated into all levels of the Service Center. A successful Quality Management System monitors service performance, identifies inconsistencies and opportunities for improvement, and improves its processes based on its observations. Utilizing the key metrics and other process improvement tools created within the QMS, HRSS was able to monitor the accuracy and timeliness of their classification, recruiting, and staffing services. The Charleston Service Center opened its doors with a group of seven bureaus as a pilot group. Capitalizing on the benefits of its QMS and “selling” their ability to provide basic operational HR services, the Service Center has grown its client base to its current state of 36 bureaus, and completes over 80% of the department’s classification, recruiting, and staffing requests.
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